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What is KCShiksha?
KCshiksha is a platform for digital learning in a unique model. ‘KC’ stands for Krishna Consciousness and ‘Shiksha’ means imparting education.
How is KCShiksha a blended school?
We provide online education on a daily basis and for offline interaction, we coordinate conducting of Chapter programs in you own city. KCShiksha students and parents in your locality meet up on a monthly basis and various activities are held with the guidance of the chapter coordinator. This gives a unique learning experience for children in both online and offline modes.
Can you ensure quality education in an online mode at KCShiksha structured school?
Personal attention to students, interactive sessions, personal assignments, group learning are few of our best practices that we employ in our pedagogy. The maximum number of students in a batch at KCShiksha is not more than 15. The class teachers known as Pradhan Acharyas, the Pracharya or the Principal and the Management team ensures all round support to the parents and the students. Our personal mentoship program is most unique to groom and carefully guide the students from one step to another.
What is your model for online learning experience?
We adopt a lean classroom model with the number of students not exceeding 10 to 15. The sessions are conducted using MSTeams software and timetable for each month is published timely and regularly. Notes are provided and assignments are issued via KCShiksha Mobile App that can be downloaded both for IOS as well as Android devices. The app can also be accessed online.
Do you offer any type of recognized certification?
Certification up to 12th grade will be provided through our official partner Chaitanya Gurukula. We also offer NIOS courses if students opt for them through our partner Arivu. the certification will be through NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling). Students who opt for the State board will have to be physically present to write the board examinations at Maharashtra. Everything will be coordinated in this regard from KCShiksha. In case the students have opted for NIOS, the nearest local center chosen during registration with NIOS will be the examination center.
How old is KCShiksha institution?
Can we replace a regular school with KCShiksha?
Yes, with the option of the structured school in KCShiksha, a normal brick & mortar school can be replaced by KCShiksha. All certifications up to the 10th and 12th board will be available too.
My child is admitted to a regular school. Can we still take advantage of KCShiksha courses?
Yes, with the option of ‘After-school courses at KCShiksha, you can facilitate children to be associated with Krishna conscious education offered by us.
Are there any pre-requisites for admission at KCShiksha school?
Do we get Transfer Certificate if we want to discontinue?
Yes, we issue TC with which you can take admission anywhere. Transfer Certificate to join the KCShiksha structured school is required if any previous schooling is done in order to obtain a transfer certificate in the future from KCShiksha.
Will the classes be recorded?
Yes. The classes will be recorded and can be accessed upon request within a limited time period.
Should I worry about screen time and its effect on eyesight?
Does online school impact the ability and opportunity for social interaction?
Can we offer the Dakshina in installments?
Yes. You can deposit the Dakshina in two installments though we prefer once and complete deposit which will help us plan the budget and organize KCShiksha.
When are the weekly holidays and vacations for students?
We give holidays on Sundays and on Amavasya, Purnima, Ashtami, and Caturdashis as these are the “anadhyaya” days or days teaching is not carried out as per shastras. The majority of the festivals also fall on these days.
Vacations are during Kartika month (Oct) and during Summer in the month of March-April.
